1. allow sb. to do sth. unaided;not interfere with 別管;別幹涉
When joe gets mad,just let him alone. 喬發怒時不要去管他。
Please let my things alone. 請不要幹涉我的事情。
2. not to mention;to say nothing of 更不用說
I can't afford a bicycle,let alone a car. 我連一部自行車也買不起,更不用說買小轎車了。
He doesn't have enough money for food,let alone amusements. 他連吃飯都不夠,更不用說娛樂了。
I wouldn't speak to him,let alone trust him and lend him some money. 我理都不願理他,更談不上信任他,把錢借給他了。